
Compare Mfr Part # Series Aplication use Shape Thickness Operation temperatures Dielectric Strength Full Wave Impulse Dielectric Constant at 60 Hz Dissipation Factor at 60 Hz (x 10-³) Type Aplication surfaces Adhesive type Color Backing liner 90° Peel Adhesion (on S. Steel at 22°C) 90° Peel Adhesion (on PP at 22°C) 90° Peel Adhesion (on ABS at 22°C) Carrier material Adhesive Operation temperature Density Shore Hardness Compression set Compression Deflection Tensile Strength Tear Strength Thermal Conductivity Hardness Flame Rating Operating Temperature Light Transmission Reflextive index Tensile strength Flexual strength Impact strength UV protection Pencil hadrness Relative Density Coefficient of Thermal Expansion Fire resistance Dielectric Constant Electrical Breakdown Strength Coating Tear strength Release FTM10 Basis Weigh Manufacturer Item no.
 EPDM T130 EP EPDM T130 EP 4 Black EPDM foam None -40 - 70 120 55 < 20 110 ≥ 500 SK000595
 EPDM T130 EP EPDM T130 EP 5 Black EPDM foam None -40 - 70 120 55 < 20 110 ≥ 500 SK000596
 EPDM T130 EP EPDM T130 EP 6 Black EPDM foam None -40 - 70 120 55 < 20 110 ≥ 500 SK000557
 EPDM T130 EP EPDM T130 EP 2 Black EPDM foam Polyacrylic -40 - 70 120 55 < 20 110 ≥ 500 SK000535
 EPDM T130 EP EPDM T130 EP 4 Black EPDM foam Polyacrylic -40 - 70 120 55 < 20 110 ≥ 500 SK000652
 PI Tape 0.04 PI Tape 0.04 0.04 -70 - 26 PI tape Silicone SK000450
 PI Tape 0.175 PI Tape 0.175 0.175 -70 - 26 PI tape Silicone SK000205
 PLEXIGLAS® XT  White WN071 GT PLEXIGLAS® XT White WN071 GT Plexiglass 3 Extruded White -40 - 70 1.19 g/cm³ 30 1.491 72 105 15 1
3A FOREXclassic 3A FOREXclassic 3 PVC White - 55 44 16 0.7 0.7 * 10-4 SK000457
3M 8810 3M 8810 0.15 Non-silicone White 0.6 3M Company SK000995
3M 9529W 3M 9529W Bonding Roll 1.5 -30 - 70 VHB tapes HSE platic, MSE plastic, LSE plastic Medium-Firm Rubber Resin White White Paper 7.4 3M Company SK000548
3M™ Adhesive Transfer Tape 467MP 3M™ Adhesive Transfer Tape 467MP 200MP Bonding Roll, Sheet 0.06 -40 - 149 Transfer HSE plastic, metal Acrylic Tan 58# Polycoated Kraft Paper (PCK) 3M Company SK000101
3M™ Adhesive Transfer Tape 467MPF 3M™ Adhesive Transfer Tape 467MPF 200MP Graphic attachment and general industrial joining Roll 0.06 -40 - 149 Transfer tapes HSE plastic, metal Acrylic Transparent Polyester Film (PET) 10 2.4 3M Company
3M™ Adhesive Transfer Tape 468MPF 3M™ Adhesive Transfer Tape 468MPF 200MP Graphic attachment and general industrial joining Roll 0.13 -40 - 149 Transfer tapes HSE plastic, metal Acrylic Transparent Polyester Film (PET) 11.8 3 3M Company
3M™ Adhesive Transfer Tape 6035PC 3M™ Adhesive Transfer Tape 6035PC 300MP Bonding Roll 0.127 -40 - 93 Transfer tapes Foams, fabrics, textured surfaces Acrylic Transparent 58# Polycoated Kraft Paper 12 5 3M Company
3M™ Adhesive Transfer Tape 7952MP 3M™ Adhesive Transfer Tape 7952MP 200MP Bonding Sheet 0.06 -40 - 93 Transfer tapes HSE plastic, metal Acrylic Tan 58# Polycoated Kraft Paper (PCK) 10 2.4 3M Company SK000099
3M™ Adhesive Transfer Tape 7955MP 3M™ Adhesive Transfer Tape 7955MP 200MP Graphic attachment and general industrial joining Sheet 0.13 -40 - 149 Transfer tapes HSE plastic, metal Acrylic Tan 58# Polycoated Kraft Paper (PCK) 11.8 3 3M Company SK000100
3M™ Adhesive Transfer Tape 7962MP 3M™ Adhesive Transfer Tape 7962MP 200MP Graphic attachment and general industrial joining Sheet 0.06 -40 - 93 Transfer tapes HSE plastic, metal Acrylic Tan 78# Polycoated Kraft Paper (PCK), 83# Polycoated Kraft Paper (PCK) 5.4 2.4 3M Company
3M™ Adhesive Transfer Tape 7965MP 3M™ Adhesive Transfer Tape 7965MP 200MP Bonding Sheet 0.13 -40 - 93 Transfer tapes HSE plastic, metal Acrylic Tan 78# Polycoated Kraft Paper (PCK), 83# Polycoated Kraft Paper (PCK) 6.1 3 3M Company
3M™ Adhesive Transfer Tape 8132LE 3M™ Adhesive Transfer Tape 8132LE 300LSE Bonding Sheet 0.058 -40 - 93 Transfer tapes LSE plastic Acrylic 83# Polycoated Kraft, 58# Polycoated Kraft 8.2 8.1 8.6 3M Company
3M™ Adhesive Transfer Tape 8153LE 3M™ Adhesive Transfer Tape 8153LE 300LSE Bonding Sheet 0.091 -40 - 93 Transfer tapes LSE plastic Acrylic Tan 83# Polycoated Kraft, 58# Polycoated Kraft 10.9 11.3 12.4 3M Company SK000103
3M™ Adhesive Transfer Tape 9185MP 3M™ Adhesive Transfer Tape 9185MP 200MP Bonding Roll Transfer tapes HSE plastic, metal Acrylic Tan High Density Polyethylene Film, 58# Polycoated Kraft Paper (PCK) 11.8 3
3M™ Adhesive Transfer Tape 9453FL 3M™ Adhesive Transfer Tape 9453FL 300LSE Bonding Roll 0.088 -40 - 93 Transfer tapes LSE plastic Acrylic Transparent Polyester Film 10.9 11.3 12.4 3M Company
3M™ Adhesive Transfer Tape 9453LE 3M™ Adhesive Transfer Tape 9453LE 300LSE Bonding Roll 0.091 -40 - 93 Transfer tapes LSE plastic Acrylic Tan 58# Polycoated Kraft 10.9 11.3 12.4 3M Company
3M™ Adhesive Transfer Tape 9460PC 3M™ Adhesive Transfer Tape 9460PC 100MP Industrial joining and metal fabrication 0.05 -40 - 149 Transfer tapes Acrylic Tan 58# Polycoated Kraft Paper 3M Company SK000577
3M™ Adhesive Transfer Tape 9471FL 3M™ Adhesive Transfer Tape 9471FL 300LSE Bonding Roll 0.05 -40 - 93 Transfer tapes LSE plastic Acrylic Transparent PET 8.2 8.1 8.6 3M Company
3M™ Adhesive Transfer Tape 9471LE 3M™ Adhesive Transfer Tape 9471LE 300LSE Bonding Roll 0.058 -40 - 93 Transfer tapes LSE plastic Acrylic Tan 58# Polycoated Kraft Paper (PCK) 8.2 8.1 8.6 3M Company SK000104
3M™ Adhesive Transfer Tape 9472FL 3M™ Adhesive Transfer Tape 9472FL 300LSE Bonding Roll 0.127 -40 - 93 Transfer tapes LSE plastic Acrylic Transparent Polyester Film 15.3 14.9 14 3M Company
3M™ Adhesive Transfer Tape 9472LE 3M™ Adhesive Transfer Tape 9472LE 300LSE Bonding Roll 0.132 -40 - 93 Transfer tapes LSE plastic Acrylic Tan 58# Polycoated Kraft Paper (PCK) 15.3 14.9 14
3M™ Adhesive Transfer Tape 9485PC 3M™ Adhesive Transfer Tape 9485PC 350 Bonding Roll 0.127 -40 - 121 Transfer tapes LSE substrates, powder coated paints Acrylic Tan 62# Polycoated Kraft 3M Company SK000690
3M™ Adhesive Transfer Tape 9653LE 3M™ Adhesive Transfer Tape 9653LE 300LSE Bonding Roll 0.091 -40 - 93 Transfer tapes LSE plastic Acrylic Tan 83# Polycoated Kraft 10.9 11.3 12.4 3M Company
3M™ Adhesive Transfer Tape 9667MP 3M™ Adhesive Transfer Tape 9667MP 200MP Graphic attachment and general industrial joining Roll 0.06 -40 - 93 Transfer tapes HSE plastic, metal Acrylic Tan 78# Polycoated Kraft Paper (PCK) 10 2.4 3M Company
3M™ Adhesive Transfer Tape 9668MP 3M™ Adhesive Transfer Tape 9668MP 200MP Graphic attachment and general industrial joining Roll 0.13 -40 - 93 Transfer tapes HSE plastic, metal Acrylic Tan 78# Polycoated Kraft Paper (PCK) 11.8 3 3M Company
3M™ Adhesive Transfer Tape 9671LE 3M™ Adhesive Transfer Tape 9671LE 300LSE Bonding Roll 0.058 -40 - 93 Transfer tapes LSE plastic Acrylic Tan 83# Polycoated Kraft Paper (PCK) 8.2 8.1 8.6 3M Company SK000104
3M™ Adhesive Transfer Tape 9672LE 3M™ Adhesive Transfer Tape 9672LE 300LSE Bonding Roll 0.132 -40 - 93 Transfer tapes LSE plastic Acrylic Tan 83# Polycoated Kraft Paper (PCK) 15.3 14.9 14 3M Company
3M™ Adhesive Transfer Tape Double Linered 9172MP 3M™ Adhesive Transfer Tape Double Linered 9172MP 200MP Bonding Roll Transfer tapes HSE plastic, metal Acrylic Tan High Density Polyethylene Film, 58# Polycoated Kraft Paper (PCK) 10 2.4
3M™ Aluminium Foil Tape 1436 3M™ Aluminium Foil Tape 1436 Sealing HVAC & Duct Work Roll 0.065 Aluminium tape HSE plastic, Metal Synthetic Rubber Silver Siliconized glassine white paper line Soft Aluminium 3M Company
3M™ Aluminium Foil Tape 431 3M™ Aluminium Foil Tape 431 Heat shielding, Heat reflecting, Moisture barrier, Reflecting Roll 0.08 -54 - 149 Aluminium tape HSE plastic, Metal Acrylic Silver Easy Release Film Aluminum Foil 3M Company
3M™ Aluminum Foil Tape 425 3M™ Aluminum Foil Tape 425 Heat Dissipation, Masking, Reflection, Shielding, Chemical stripping Roll 0.12 -54 - 149 Aluminium tape HSE plastic, Metal Acrylic Silver Easy Release Film Aluminum Foil 3M Company SK000816
3M™ Copper Foil EMI Shielding Tape 1181 3M™ Copper Foil EMI Shielding Tape 1181 Conductive EMI/RFI shielding Roll 0.066 Copper tape HSE plastic, metal Electrically Conductive Acrylic Copper Copper Foil - Flat 3M Company SK000594
3M™ Copper Foil EMI Shielding Tape 1182 3M™ Copper Foil EMI Shielding Tape 1182 Conductive EMI/RFI shielding Roll 0.089 Copper tape LSE plastic Double Coated Electrically Conductive Acrylic Copper Copper Foil - Flat 3M Company
3M™ Double Coated Acrylic Tape 9088-200 3M™ Double Coated Acrylic Tape 9088-200 0.2 Double sided tapes Acrylic 58# Glassine 17.4 PET (Polyester) 3M Company SK000623
3M™ Double Coated Tape 92015 3M™ Double Coated Tape 92015 200MP Bonding Roll 0.15 -40 - 93 Double sided tapes HSE plastic, metal Acrylic Clear 58# Polycoated Kraft Paper (PCK) Clear Polyester 3M Company
3M™ Double Coated Tape 9492MP 3M™ Double Coated Tape 9492MP 200MP Laminating Roll 0.06 -40 - 121 Double sided tapes Metal, PC, ABS, PET Acrylic Tan 58# Polycoated Kraft Paper (PCK) 6.6 5.5 Clear PET 3M Company
3M™ Double Coated Tape 9495B 3M™ Double Coated Tape 9495B 200MP Labeling, Gaskets, Damping Roll 0.14 -40 - 121 Double sided tapes HSE plastic, metal Acrylic Black 58# Polycoated Kraft Paper (PCK) 8.8 6.6 Black PET 3M Company
3M™ Double Coated Tape 9495LE 3M™ Double Coated Tape 9495LE 300LSE Holding, Joining, Mounting Roll 0.17 -40 - 93 Double sided tapes LSE plastic Acrylic Tan 58# Polycoated Kraft Paper (PCK) Clear Polyester 3M Company SK000686
3M™ Double Coated Tape 9495MP 3M™ Double Coated Tape 9495MP 200MP Labeling, Gaskets, Damping Roll 0.14 -40 - 121 Double sided tapes HSE plastic, metal Acrylic Clear 58# Polycoated Kraft Paper (PCK) 8.8 6.6 Clear PET 3M Company SK000228
3M™ Double Coated Tape 9495MPF 3M™ Double Coated Tape 9495MPF 200MP Labeling, Gaskets, Damping Roll 0.14 -40 - 121 Double sided tapes HSE plastic, metal Acrylic Clear PET 8.8 6.6 Clear PET 3M Company
3M™ Double Coated Tape 9786 3M™ Double Coated Tape 9786 300MP Laminating, Gaskets, Bonding Roll 0.246 -40 - 121 Double sided tapes Plastic, Foams Acrylic Tan 58# Polycoated Kraft Paper (PCK) 6.6 5.5 Nonwoven 3M Company
3M™ Double Coated Tissue Tape 9448HK 3M™ Double Coated Tissue Tape 9448HK Nonwoven Bonding, Assembly Roll 0.15 Double sided tapes HSE plastic, LSE plastic, Rough surfaces Acrylic PCK Liner 4.4 2.8 6.6 Non-woven cellulose 3M Company SK000802
3M™ Double-Sided Tapes 9888T 3M™ Double-Sided Tapes 9888T 9086 Bonding Roll 0.15 -40 - 80 Double sided tapes Wood, metal, paper, plastics Acrylic Translucent White paper 12.5 8.6 Tissue 3M Company SK000752
3M™ EMI Aluminum Foil Shielding Tape 1170 3M™ EMI Aluminum Foil Shielding Tape 1170 EMI shielding, grounding, static charge draining Roll 0.076 -40 - 130 Aluminium tape HSE plastic, Metal Conductive Acrylic Silver Removable liner Aluminum Foil 3M Company
3M™ High Strength Double Coated Tape 93020LE 3M™ High Strength Double Coated Tape 93020LE 300LSE Bonding Roll 0.2 -40 - 93 Double sided tapes LSE plastic Acrylic Transparent 58# Polycoated Kraft Paper (PCK) 18.6 19.2 17 Clear Polyester 3M Company SK000648
3M™ High Temperature Aluminum Foil/Glass Cloth Tape 363 3M™ High Temperature Aluminum Foil/Glass Cloth Tape 363 Heat reflecting, Protective wrap Roll 0.185 -54 - 316 Aluminium tape Irregular and uneven surfaces, silicone Silicone Silver Easy-release film Aluminum foil laminated to glass cloth 3M Company
3M™ Photographic Tape 235 3M™ Photographic Tape 235 Masking, Camera Applications Roll 0.17 -54 - 93 Specialty Tape Negatives, Camera bellows, Sealing film envelopes and metal film container Black pigmented rubber Black Crepe Paper 3M Company SK000465
3M™ Polyester Label Material 7871EC 3M™ Polyester Label Material 7871EC 350E Labeling Roll -40 - 149 Single sided tapes - Label HSE plastic, LSE plastic Acrylic White Polyester 24.3 18.2 18.1 3M Company SK000186
3M™ Polyimide Film Tape 5413 3M™ Polyimide Film Tape 5413 5413 Masking, High Temperature Roll 0.07 -73 - 260 Polyimide Tapes PCB solder Silicone Amber Dupont™ Kapton® Polyimide Film 2.4 3M Company SK000213
3M™ PTFE Film Tape 5491 3M™ PTFE Film Tape 5491 5490 Masking, Protection, Sealing Roll 0.17 -54 - 260 Teflon tapes Silicone Brown Extruded PTFE (polytetrafluoroethylene) 3M Company SK000229
3M™ Removable Repositionable Double Coated Tape 9425 3M™ Removable Repositionable Double Coated Tape 9425 Removable General Purpose Roll 0.15 -40 - 52 Double sided tapes Acrylic, Differential Adhesive Clear 58# Polycoated Kraft Paper (PCK) Unplasticized Polyvinyl Chloride (UPVC) 3M Company 207
3M™ Removable Repositionable Tape 9415PC 3M™ Removable Repositionable Tape 9415PC Removable General Purpose Roll 0.05 -40 - 70 Double sided tapes Paper, plastics, films, foams Acrylic, Differential Adhesive Translucent 70# Polycoated Kraft Paper (PCK), 78# Polycoated Kraft Paper (PCK) Clear Polyester 3M Company 95
3M™ Scotch® Magic™ Tape 810 3M™ Scotch® Magic™ Tape 810 Scotch® Permanent paper mending 0.0635 Single sided tapes Paper Synthetic Acrylic Clear Matte cellulose acetate 2.5 3M Company SK000781
3M™ Scotchcal™ Graphic Film IJ3650-10 3M™ Scotchcal™ Graphic Film IJ3650-10 IJ3650 Labeling Roll 0.08 -54 - 107 Single sided tapes - Label Glass, metal, paint, fiberglass reinforced plastic, rigid plastic Solvent Acrylic White Polyethylene-coated paper 3M Company SK000152
3M™ Scotchcal™ Graphic Film IJ3650-114 3M™ Scotchcal™ Graphic Film IJ3650-114 IJ3650 Labeling Roll 0.08 -54 - 107 Single sided tapes - Label Glass, metal, paint, fiberglass reinforced plastic, rigid plastic Solvent Acrylic Transparent Polyethylene-coated paper 3M Company SK000397
3M™ Scotchcal™ Graphic Film Series 3669 3M™ Scotchcal™ Graphic Film Series 3669 Labeling Roll -60 - 107 Single sided tapes - Label Flat with Rivets, Simple Curve Solvent Acrylic Transparent 3M Company SK000150
3M™ Screen Printable Sheet Polyester Label Material 7980 3M™ Screen Printable Sheet Polyester Label Material 7980 300 Labeling Sheet 0.07874 -40 - 149 Single sided tapes - Label LSE plastic, HSE plastic Solvent Acrylic White 5 4.2 3M Company SK000149
3M™ Thermal Transfer Label Material 7815 3M™ Thermal Transfer Label Material 7815 310 Labeling Roll 0.07874 -40 - 149 Single sided tapes - Label HSE plastic, metal Acrylic White 55# Densied kraft 4.5 2.6 3M Company SK000185
3M™ VHB™ Adhesive Transfer Tape F9469PC 3M™ VHB™ Adhesive Transfer Tape F9469PC 100MP Industrial joining and metal fabrication Roll 0.13 -40 - 149 VHB tapes Acrylic Clear 58# Polycoated Kraft Paper (PCK) 3M Company
3M™ VHB™ Adhesive Transfer Tape F9473PC 3M™ VHB™ Adhesive Transfer Tape F9473PC 100MP Attachment, High Temperature Applications Roll 0.26 -40 - 149 VHB tapes Acrylic Tan 58# Polycoated Kraft Paper (PCK) 3M Company SK000225
3M™ VHB™ Tape - Specialty Tape 4945 3M™ VHB™ Tape - Specialty Tape 4945 VHB™ 4945 Bonding Roll 1.1 -40 - 94 VHB tapes MSE Plastic, Metals, Glass Multi-Purpose Acrylic White DK Paper 3M Company SK000221
3M™ VHB™ Tape - Specialty Tape 4959F 3M™ VHB™ Tape - Specialty Tape 4959F VHB™ 4959 General purpose Roll 3 -40 - 149 VHB tapes HSE plastic, metal, glass General Purpose Acrylic White PE Film Acrylic Foam 3M Company SK000222
3M™ VHB™ Tape 4920 3M™ VHB™ Tape 4920 VHB™ 4950 Bonding Roll 0.4 -40 - 93 VHB tapes HSE plastic, metal, glass Acrylic White DK Paper 26 Acrylic Foam 3M Company SK000803
3M™ VHB™ Tape 4926 3M™ VHB™ Tape 4926 VHB™ 4941 Bonding Roll 0.4 -40 - 93 VHB tapes HSE plastic, MSE plastic Acrylic Gray DK Paper 25 Acrylic Foam 3M Company SK000768
3M™ VHB™ Tape 4930 3M™ VHB™ Tape 4930 VHB™ 4930 General purpose Roll 0.635 -40 - 93 VHB tapes HSE plastic, metal, glass Acrylic, Modified Acrylic White Paper 35 Acrylic Foam 3M Company SK000220
3M™ VHB™ Tape 4950 3M™ VHB™ Tape 4950 VHB™ 4950 Bonding Roll 1.1 -40 - 93 VHB tapes HSE plastic Acrylic White DK Paper Acrylic Foam 3M Company SK000821
3M™ VHB™ Tape 4955 3M™ VHB™ Tape 4955 Bonding Roll 2 -40 - 149 VHB tapes HSE plastic Acrylic White Polyester Film 3M Company SK000638
3M™ VHB™ Tape 4991 3M™ VHB™ Tape 4991 VHB™ 4941 Bonding Roll 2.3 -40 - 93 VHB tapes HSE plastic, MSE plastic Acrylic Black, Gray PE Film 39 Acrylic Foam 3M Company SK000759
3M™ VHB™ Tape 5906 3M™ VHB™ Tape 5906 VHB™ 5952 Bonding, Joining Roll 0.15 -40 - 121 VHB tapes HSE plastic, MSE plastic, metal, glass Modified Acrylic Black PET Acrylic Foam 3M Company SK000527
3M™ VHB™ Tape 5907 3M™ VHB™ Tape 5907 VHB™ 5952 Bonding, Joining Roll 0.2 -40 - 121 VHB tapes HSE plastic, MSE plastic, metal, glass Modified Acrylic Black PET Acrylic Foam 3M Company SK000539
3M™ VHB™ Tape 5908 3M™ VHB™ Tape 5908 VHB™ 5952 Bonding Roll 0.25 -40 - 121 VHB tapes HSE plastic, MSE plastic, metals, glass Acrylic Black PET 21 3M Company SK000828
3M™ VHB™ Tape 5909 3M™ VHB™ Tape 5909 VHB™ 5952 Bonding, Joining Roll 0.3 -40 - 121 VHB tapes HSE plastic, MSE plastic, metal, glass Modified Acrylic Black PET Acrylic Foam 3M Company SK000376
3M™ VHB™ Tape 5915 3M™ VHB™ Tape 5915 VHB™ 5952 Bonding, Joining Roll 0.4 -40 - 121 VHB tapes HSE plastic, MSE plastic, metal, glass Modified Acrylic Black PE Film 21 Acrylic Foam 3M Company SK000894
3M™ VHB™ Tape 5925 3M™ VHB™ Tape 5925 VHB™ 5952 General Purpose Roll 0.6 -40 - 93 VHB tapes HSE plastic, MSE plastic, metal, glass Modified Acrylic Black PE Film 30 Acrylic Foam 3M Company SK000223
3M™ VHB™ Tape 5930 3M™ VHB™ Tape 5930 VHB™ 5952 Bonding Roll 0.8 -40 - 93 VHB tapes HSE plastic, MSE plastic, metal, glass Acrylic Black PE Film 33 Acrylic Foam 3M Company SK000804
3M™ VHB™ Tape 5952 3M™ VHB™ Tape 5952 VHB™ 5952 General Purpose Roll 1.1 -40 - 93 VHB tapes HSE plastic, MSE plastic, metal, glass Modified Acrylic Black PE Film 39 Acrylic Foam 3M Company SK000224
3M™ VHB™ Tape RP16 3M™ VHB™ Tape RP16 RP Bonding Roll 0.4 -40 - 121 VHB tapes HSE plastic, MSE plastic, metals, glass Multi-Purpose Acrylic Gray DK Paper 21 Conformable Acrylic 3M Company SK000226
AK521 LINER P 160 WH MR 1S AK521 LINER P 160 WH MR 1S Sheet 1.75 PET liner White PE 160 Avery Dennison SK000236
BC062 HF 55 WH MR BC062 HF 55 WH MR Sheet 0.059 Silicone paper White 5 Clay 420 11 Avery Dennison SK000780
BO871 LINER HF 80 WH LR FSC BO871 LINER HF 80 WH LR FSC Sheet 0.082 Silicone paper White Clay 440 20 80 Avery Dennison SK000345
Copper foil tape 351002 Copper foil tape 351002 RFI/EMI shielding, grounding 0.07 - 130 Copper tape Acrylic conductive Copper foil SK000540
Double Coated Tape 9448A Double Coated Tape 9448A Bonding, Joining Roll 0.15 -40 - 90 Double sided tapes Stainless Steel, PP, ABS, PC Acrylic Transparent Paper polycoated Translucent Tissue 3M Company SK000755
DuploCOLL 5015 DuploCOLL 5015 Foam tape Mounting, Bonding Roll 0.45 -40 - 90 Double sided foam tape LSE plastic Modified acrylic White Silicone paper 38 11 PE foam Lohmann SK000688
DuploCOLL 5110 DuploCOLL 5110 Foam tape Mounting, Bonding Roll 1.1 -40 - 90 Double sided foam tape HSE plastic, LSE plastic Modified acrylic White PE film 20 PE foam Lohmann SK000675
E-2110 w. 23 E-2110 w. 23 0.15 PP white-matt -30 - 104 >70 SK000187
EPDM T130 EP EPDM T130 EP 2 Black EPDM foam None -40 - 70 120 55 < 20 110 ≥ 500 SK000232
EPDM T130 EP EPDM T130 EP 8 Black EPDM foam Polyacrylic -40 - 70 120 55 < 20 110 ≥ 500 SK000467
EXPAN 2008 A EXPAN 2008 A Foam tape Bonding, Insulation Roll 0.8 -40 - 80 Double-faced HSE plastic, LSE plastic TA1860 cross-linking acrylic White PO film PE foam SK000215
FM Y 422A FM Y 422A Foam tape Bonding, Mounting Roll 0.985 -40 - 90 Double-coated HSE plastic, LSE plastic Permanent synthetic rubber resin White Silicone glassine ≥ 12 ≥ 12 PE foam Avery Dennison
GPHC5 0816 GPHC5 0816 0.5 Silicone Gray 5.0 V-0 -60 - 200 SK001095
GPVOUS 0.1 - AC0816 GPVOUS 0.1 - AC0816 2.5 Silicone Pink 1 V-0 -60 - 200 SK001109
HALA-TEC TGF-EUS1000 SI HALA-TEC TGF-EUS1000 SI 1.5 Silicone Gray 8.0 40 V-0 -40 - 180 SK000996
IROM744011020 IROM744011020 1 Polystyrol white-matte - 70 1.09 0.8 * 10-4 B2 SK000175
IROM744021020 IROM744021020 2 Polystyrol white-matte - 70 1.09 0.8 * 10-4 B2 SK000614
IROM744031020 IROM744031020 3 Polystyrol white-matte - 70 1.09 0.8 * 10-4 B2
IROM744041020 IROM744041020 4 Polystyrol white-matte - 70 1.09 0.8 * 10-4 B2
IROM7440P51020 IROM7440P51020 0.5 Polystyrol white-matte - 70 1.09 0.8 * 10-4 B2 SK000174
Kapton Dupont 100HN Kapton Dupont 100HN HN Insulation, Etching, Shims Roll 0.025 -269 - 400 Kapton Tapes Amber DuPont SK000589
Keratherm KL 90 Keratherm KL 90 0.3 Non-silicone Black 1.4 45 -40 - 125 SK000665
Makrolon GP 099 Makrolon GP 099 Polycarbonate 0.75 Clear -40 - 120 1.19 90 1.587 90 1 SK000546
Makrolon GP 099 Makrolon GP 099 Polycarbonate 1 Clear -40 - 120 1.19 90 1.587 90 1 SK000380
Makrolon GP 099 Makrolon GP 099 Polycarbonate 1.5 Clear -40 - 120 1.19 89 1.587 90 1 SK000379
Makrolon GP 099 Makrolon GP 099 Polycarbonate 2 Clear -40 - 120 1.19 89 1.587 90 1
Makrolon GP 099 Makrolon GP 099 Polycarbonate 3 Clear -40 - 120 1.19 88 1.587 90 1
Makrolon GP 099 Makrolon GP 099 Polycarbonate 4 Clear -40 - 120 1.19 87 1.587 90 1
Makrolon GP 099 Makrolon GP 099 Polycarbonate 5 Clear -40 - 120 1.19 87 1.587 90 1
Makrolon GP 099 Makrolon GP 099 Polycarbonate 6 Clear -40 - 120 1.19 86 1.587 90 1
Makrolon GP 099 Makrolon GP 099 Polycarbonate 8 Clear -40 - 120 1.19 85 1.587 90 1
Makrolon GP 099 Makrolon GP 099 Polycarbonate 10 Clear -40 - 120 1.19 83 1.587 90 1
Makrolon GP 099 Makrolon GP 099 Polycarbonate 12 Clear -40 - 120 1.19 82 1.587 90 1
Makrolon GP 099 Makrolon GP 099 Polycarbonate 15 Clear -40 - 120 1.19 80 1.587 90 1
Makrolon GP 130 Makrolon GP 130 Polycarbonate 2 White 1.19 40 1.587 90 1
Makrolon GP 130 Makrolon GP 130 Polycarbonate 3 White 1.19 30 1.587 90 1
Makrolon GP 130 Makrolon GP 130 Polycarbonate 4 White 1.19 23 1.587 90 1
Makrolon GP 130 Makrolon GP 130 Polycarbonate 5 White 1.19 18 1.587 90 1
Makrolon GP 150 Makrolon GP 150 Polycarbonate 2 White 1.19 60 1.587 90 1
Makrolon GP 150 Makrolon GP 150 Polycarbonate 3 White 1.19 50 1.587 90 1
Makrolon GP 150 Makrolon GP 150 Polycarbonate 4 White 1.19 40 1.587 90 1
Makrolon GP 150 Makrolon GP 150 Polycarbonate 5 White 1.19 33 1.587 90 1
Makrolon GP 150 Makrolon GP 150 Polycarbonate 6 White 1.19 28 1.587 90 1
Makrolon GP 150 Makrolon GP 150 Polycarbonate 8 White 1.19 20 1.587 90 1
Makrolon NR 099 Makrolon NR 099 Polycarbonate 1 Clear 1.19 83 1.587 90 1
Makrolon NR 099 Makrolon NR 099 Polycarbonate 1.5 Clear 1.19 83 1.587 90 1
Makrolon NR 099 Makrolon NR 099 Polycarbonate 3 Clear 1.19 82 1.587 90 1
Makrolon NR 099 Makrolon NR 099 Polycarbonate 2 Clear 1.19 82 1.587 90 1
Makrolon NR 099 Makrolon NR 099 Polycarbonate 4 Clear 1.19 80 1.587 90 1
MSD150-50A50W MSD150-50A50W Electronics Membrane, Switches Flexible, Circuits, Medical Devices Roll, Sheet 0.15 -30 - 120 Double sided spacer tape HSE platic, LSE plastic Acrylic White White paper ≥18 PET White (Polyester) Memcon SK000110
MSD175-50A50 MSD175-50A50 Electronics Membrane, Switches Flexible, Circuits, Medical Devices Roll, Sheet 0.175 -30 - 120 Double sided spacer tape HSE platic, LSE plastic Acrylic Clear White paper ≥18 PET (Polyester) Memcon SK000108
MSD225-50A50 MSD225-50A50 Electronics Membrane, Switches Flexible, Circuits, Medical Devices Roll, Sheet 0.225 -30 - 120 Double sided spacer tape HSE platic, LSE plastic Acrylic Clear White paper ≥18 PET (Polyester) Memcon SK000109
MSD288-50A50 MSD288-50A50 Electronics Membrane, Switches Flexible, Circuits, Medical Devices Roll, Sheet 0.288 -30 - 120 Double sided spacer tape HSE platic, LSE plastic Acrylic Clear White paper ≥18 PET (Polyester) Memcon SK000107
MSS075-50A MSS075-50A Electronics Membrane, Switches Flexible, Circuits, Medical Devices Roll, Sheet 0.075 -30 - 120 Single sided spacer tape HSE platic, LSE plastic Acrylic Clear White paper ≥13 PET (Polyester) Memcon SK000789
Nomex 410 Nomex 410 410 Electrical insulation Roll 0.25 - 220 845 1600 2.7 6 DuPont
Nomex 410 Nomex 410 410 Electrical insulation Roll 0.05 - 220 460 1000 1.6 4 DuPont
Nomex 410 Nomex 410 410 Electrical insulation Roll 0.08 - 220 565 1000 1.6 5 DuPont
Nomex 410 Nomex 410 410 Electrical insulation Roll 0.10 - 220 525 900 1.8 6 DuPont
Nomex 410 Nomex 410 410 Electrical insulation Roll 0.61 - 220 810 3.7 7 DuPont
Nomex 410 Nomex 410 410 Electrical insulation Roll 0.76 - 220 680 1250 3.7 7 DuPont
Nomex 410 Nomex 410 410 Electrical insulation Roll 0.30 - 220 870 2.9 7 DuPont
Nomex 410 Nomex 410 410 Electrical insulation Roll 0.38 - 220 850 1400 3.2 7 DuPont
Nomex 410 Nomex 410 410 Electrical insulation Roll 0.13 - 220 715 1400 2.4 6 DuPont
Nomex 410 Nomex 410 410 Electrical insulation Roll 0.18 - 220 865 1400 2.7 6 DuPont
Nomex 410 Nomex 410 410 Electrical insulation Roll 0.51 - 220 810 1400 3.4 7 DuPont SK000495
Nomex 411 Nomex 411 411 Motor phase insulation and transformer coil end filler Roll 0.58 - 220 230 400 1.3 3 DuPont
Nomex 411 Nomex 411 411 Motor phase insulation and transformer coil end filler Roll 0.13 mm - 220 220 450 1.2 3 DuPont
Nomex 411 Nomex 411 411 Motor phase insulation and transformer coil end filler Roll 0.25 - 220 240 450 1.2 3 DuPont
Nomex 411 Nomex 411 411 Motor phase insulation and transformer coil end filler Roll 0.38 - 220 240 450 1.2 3 DuPont
Nomex 411 Nomex 411 411 Motor phase insulation and transformer coil end filler Roll 0.18 - 220 240 450 1.2 3 DuPont
Nomex 414 Nomex 414 414 Insulation Roll 0.09 - 220 610 1100 1.7 5 DuPont
Nomex 414 Nomex 414 414 Insulation Roll 0.25 - 220 710 1300 2.7 8 DuPont
Nomex 414 Nomex 414 414 Insulation Roll 0.38 - 220 760 1200 2.9 9 DuPont
Nomex 414 Nomex 414 414 Insulation Roll 0.18 - 220 750 1300 2.5 8 DuPont
Nomex 414 Nomex 414 414 Insulation Roll 0.30 - 220 755 1300 2.8 8 DuPont
PC94 PC94 4 Non-silicone Red 4.2 50 V-1 -30 - 125 t-Global Technology SK000944
PC94 PC94 2 Non-silicone Red 4.2 50 V-1 -30 - 125 t-Global Technology SK000796
PE - HD black 2mm PE - HD black 2mm 2 PE black -50 - 80 65 0,38 23 0.96 1.8 * 10-4 B2 2.3 47 SK000366
PE - HD black 4mm PE - HD black 4mm 4 PE black -50 - 80 65 0.38 23 0.96 1.8 * 10-4 B2 2.3 47 SK000354
PI Tape 0.09, width 200 mm PI Tape 0.09, width 200 mm 0.09 -70 - 26 PI tape Silicone SK000200
PI Tape 0.09, width 300 mm PI Tape 0.09, width 300 mm 0.09 -70 - 26 PI tape Silicone SK000201
PI Tape 0.09, width 500 mm PI Tape 0.09, width 500 mm 0.09 -70 - 26 PI tape Silicone SK000203
PI Tape 0.11 PI Tape 0.11 0.11 -70 - 26 PI tape Silicone SK000212
Plexi  BHT-K2H220 Plexi BHT-K2H220 Plexiglass 2 Cast Clear -30 - 80 1.18 92 1.491 64 4 6 SK000653
Plexi CRYLON UVT Plexi CRYLON UVT Plexiglass 2 Extruded Clear -20 - 80 1.19 92 1.492 70 110 15 1 SK000788
Plexi Senocryl E AR Plexi Senocryl E AR Plexiglass 3 Extruded Clear -30 - 70 1.19 20 115 17 SK000485
PLEXIGLAS® GS 0F00 (221, 222) PLEXIGLAS® GS 0F00 (221, 222) Plexiglass 3 Cast Clear -40 - 80 1.19 g/cm³ 92 1.491 80 115 15 1 SK000085
PLEXIGLAS® GS 0F00 (233) PLEXIGLAS® GS 0F00 (233) Plexiglass 1 Cast Clear -40 - 80 1.19 g/cm³ 92 1.491 80 115 15 1 SK000607
PLEXIGLAS® GS Grey 7C83 GT PLEXIGLAS® GS Grey 7C83 GT Plexiglass 1 Cast Dark grey -40 - 80 1.19 g/cm³ 21 1.491 80 115 15 1 SK000488
PLEXIGLAS® GS Grey 7H32 GT PLEXIGLAS® GS Grey 7H32 GT Plexiglass 1 Cast Light grey -40 - 80 1.19 g/cm³ 0 1.491 80 115 15 1 SK000436
PLEXIGLAS® Optical hard coated 0A000 HC PLEXIGLAS® Optical hard coated 0A000 HC Plexiglass 4 Extruded Clear 92 67,5 10 5 SK000986
PLEXIGLAS® XT  Black 9N871 GT PLEXIGLAS® XT Black 9N871 GT Plexiglass 3 Extruded Black -40 - 70 1.19 g/cm³ 0 1.491 72 105 15 1 SK000743
PLEXIGLAS® XT  White WN071 GT PLEXIGLAS® XT White WN071 GT Plexiglass 2 Extruded White -40 - 70 1.19 g/cm³ 30 1.491 72 105 15 1 SK000355
PLEXIGLAS® XT  White WN670 GT PLEXIGLAS® XT White WN670 GT Plexiglass 2 Extruded Milky white -40 - 70 1.19 g/cm³ 78 1.491 72 105 15 1 SK000490
PLEXIGLAS® XT  White WN670 GT PLEXIGLAS® XT White WN670 GT Plexiglass 3 Extruded Milky white -40 - 70 1.19 g/cm³ 78 1.491 72 105 15 1
PLEXIGLAS® XT 0A000 (20070)  PLEXIGLAS® XT 0A000 (20070) Plexiglass 1.5 Extruded Clear -40 - 70 1.19 g/cm³ 92 1.491 72 105 15 1
PLEXIGLAS® XT 0A000 (20070)  PLEXIGLAS® XT 0A000 (20070) Plexiglass 4 Extruded Clear -40 - 70 1.19 g/cm³ 92 1.491 72 105 15 1 SK000487
PLEXIGLAS® XT 0A000 (20070)  PLEXIGLAS® XT 0A000 (20070) Plexiglass 3 Extruded Clear -40 - 70 1.19 g/cm³ 92 1.491 72 105 15 1 SK000087
PLEXIGLAS® XT 0A000 (20070)  PLEXIGLAS® XT 0A000 (20070) Plexiglass 2.5 Extruded Clear -40 - 70 1.19 g/cm³ 92 1.491 72 105 15 1 SK000749
PLEXIGLAS® XT 0A000 (20070)  PLEXIGLAS® XT 0A000 (20070) Plexiglass 2 Extruded Clear -40 - 70 1.19 g/cm³ 92 1.491 72 105 15 1 SK000086
Poron® 4701-30-15188-04 Poron® 4701-30-15188-04 4.78 Black PU foam None -51 - 90 240 < 3 4 21 207 0.9 Rogers SK000216
Poron® 4701-30-20064-04 P Poron® 4701-30-20064-04 P 1.63 Black PU foam None -51 - 90 320 12 4 35 346 1.2 Rogers SK000844
Poron® 4701-30-20093-04 Poron® 4701-30-20093-04 2.36 Black PU foam None -51 - 90 320 12 4 35 346 1.2 Rogers SK000424
Poron® 4701-30-25031-04 Poron® 4701-30-25031-04 0.79 Black PU foam None -51 - 90 400 16 2 62 484 1.8 Rogers SK000217
Poron® 4701-30-25045-04 Poron® 4701-30-25045-04 1.14 Black PU foam None -51 - 90 400 16 2 62 484 1.8 Rogers SK000218
Poron® 4701-40-15125-04 Poron® 4701-40-15125-04 3.18 Black PU foam None -40 - 90 240 12 5 41 276 1.6 Rogers SK000673
Poron® 4701-40-15188-04 Poron® 4701-40-15188-04 4.78 Black PU foam None -40 - 90 240 16 5 41 484 1.6 Rogers SK000766
Poron® 4701-40-20062-04 Poron® 4701-40-20062-04 1.57 Black PU foam None -40 - 90 320 17 5 76 657 2.1 Rogers SK000763
Poron® 4701-40-20093-04 Poron® 4701-40-20093-04 2.36 Black PU foam None -40 - 90 320 17 5 76 657 2.1 Rogers SK000730
Poron® 4701-40-20125-04 Poron® 4701-40-20125-04 3.18 Black PU foam None -40 - 90 320 17 5 76 657 2.1 Rogers SK000764
Poron® 4701-40-30031-04 Poron® 4701-40-30031-04 0.79 Black PU foam None -40 - 90 480 34 5 173 1175 3.0 Rogers SK000765
Poron® 4701-60-20125-04 Poron® 4701-60-20125-04 3.18 Black PU foam None -16 - 70 320 55 5 428 1901 4.4 Rogers SK000655
Poron® 4701-60-25093-04 Poron® 4701-60-25093-04 2.36 Black PU foam None -16 - 70 400 63 5 643 2627 5.3 Rogers SK000831
Poron® 4790-92-15125-04 Poron® 4790-92-15125-04 3.18 Black PU foam None -20 - 70 240 2 2 14 103 0.53 Rogers SK000806
Poron® 4790-92-25021-04P Poron® 4790-92-25021-04P 0.53 Black PU foam None -12 - 70 400 2 37 Rogers SK000661
Poron® 4790-92-25041-04P Poron® 4790-92-25041-04P 1.04 Black PU foam None -12 - 70 400 2 37 Rogers SK000815
PVC ONGROFOAM PVC ONGROFOAM 5 PVC White 0 - 60 30 - 35 0.06 >10 0.45 0.75 * 10-4 B2 10 SK000556
SARCON PG80B SARCON PG80B 2 Silicone Red 8.0 V-0 -40 - 150 SK001091
ScotchCal™ Graphic Film Material 3698ED ScotchCal™ Graphic Film Material 3698ED 320 Labeling Roll -60 - 95 Single sided tapes - Label HSE plastic, LSE plastic Acrylic 90gsm C2S Yellow Glassine Liner 3M Company SK000477
T140 CR T140 CR 2 Black None -30 - 100 140 50 25 110 ≥ 250 SK000740
T140 CR T140 CR 1.5 Black None -30 - 100 140 50 25 110 ≥ 250 SK000735
TECAFINE PE1000 natural TECAFINE PE1000 natural 3 PE white opaque -260 - 80 60 19 0.93 1.8 * 10-4 B2 SK000728
Tesa 51408 Tesa 51408 Wave Soldering, Insulation, Masking Roll 0.065 - 260 Polyimide Tapes HSE plastic, metal Silicone Amber 2.8 Tesa SK000210
TFLEX 6100 TFLEX 6100 600 2.54 Silicone Blue-Viloet 3 51 V-0 -45 - 200 Laird SK000659
TFLEX 660 TFLEX 660 600 1.52 Silicone Blue-Viloet 3 51 V-0 -45 - 200 Laird SK000629
TFLEX 680 TFLEX 680 600 2.03 Silicone Blue-Viloet 3 51 V-0 -45 - 200 Laird SK000658
TH 996-3  Ultra Soft Silicone Thermal Pad TH 996-3 Ultra Soft Silicone Thermal Pad 2 Silicone White 2.5 42 t-Global Technology SK000727
TH 996-3  Ultra Soft Silicone Thermal Pad TH 996-3 Ultra Soft Silicone Thermal Pad 4 Silicone White 2.5 42 t-Global Technology SK000726
Thermal pad PC94 Thermal pad PC94 TG-APC94 3,0 Non-Silicone Red 4,2 50 +/-10 V-0 -30 SK000933
YUPO FEB250 YUPO FEB250 0.25 PP White 15 SK000184
3M™ Adhesive Transfer Tape 468MP 3M™ Adhesive Transfer Tape 468MP 200MP Roll, Sheet 0.125 metal, HSE plastic Tan SK000100